Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Aime Cesaires A Tempest Clarifies Shakespeares The Tempest

Cesaires A Tempest Clarifies Shakespeares The Tempest Negritude, originally a literary and ideological movement of French-speaking black intellectuals, reflects an important and comprehensive reaction to the colonial situation of European colonization (Carlberg). This movement, which influenced Africans as well as blacks around the world, specifically rejects the political, social, and moral domination of the West. Leopold Senghor, Leon Damas, and Aime Cesaire are the three pioneers of the revolution. The founder who expresses his ideas more broadly, though, is Cesaire, who uses literary works to express his viewpoint on colonization. An excellent example of such a tactic is his play, A Tempest, which is a revision of†¦show more content†¦Prospero becomes the ruler of the only other two inhabitants of the island, Caliban and Ariel. Cesaire uses the same series of events, but confronts his readers with the unpleasant realities of slavery in the Americas (Allison). While Prospero is cast in the role of a White slave owner, the natives, Ariel and Caliban, are transformed into his black slaves. The presence of race in the play is also displayed when Cesaire exposes the feeble, racist, stereotypes many Whites propagate about Blacks (Dayan 134). When referring to Calibans living quarters, Prospero says, It wouldnt be such a ghetto if you took the trouble to keep it clean (Cesaire 13). Such a statement is clearly racist and plays into the stereotypes many Whites have about Blacks, and also makes the presence of race in Cesaires play more obvious. Another aspect of Cesaires play that proves it is written from the African-American perspective of colonization is the language used. The Tempest is written, obviously, in Shakespearean language, a European form which is sometimes difficult for the modern reader to understand. Cesaire sees writing in an European language as a representation of Shakespeares favoring of the Europeans in their domination of Americas. Therefore, to contradict this viewpoint, A Tempest is written in a more modern language, leaning more towards ebonics than the

Monday, December 16, 2019

The 1950’s and 60’s Civil Rights Free Essays

(1) Trumans civil rights committee: In 1947 Trumans Civil Rights Committee recommended laws protecting the right of African Americans to vote and banning segregation on railroads and buses. It also called for a federal law punishing lynching. He issued executive orders ending segregation in the armed forces and prohibiting job discrimination in all government agencies. We will write a custom essay sample on The 1950’s and 60’s Civil Rights or any similar topic only for you Order Now (2) Brown V. the Board of Education (1954): In 1954 the Supreme Court made one of the most important decisions in its long history. It decided in the case of Brown v. Board Of Education of Topeka that it was unconstitutional for states to maintain separate schools for African American and white children. This case over turned the â€Å"Separate but equal† doctrine established in the case of Plessy v. Ferguson back in 1896. (3) Montgomery Bus Boycott (1955): After the supreme court decided to end segregation, African Americans started to speak out more about their racial opinions. In Montgomery, Alabama, a bus boycott ended with a victory for the African Americans. The Supreme Court ruled that the Alabama segregation laws were unconstitutional. During the boycott a young African American Baptist minister, Martin Luther King, Jr. became well known. Throughout the long contest he advised African Americans to avoid violence no matter had badly provoked by whites. Rosa Parks tired of sitting in the back of the bus, and giving up her seat to white men. One weary day she refused to move from the front of the bus, and she became one of history†s heroes in the Civil Rights Act movement. (4) The Civil Rights Act: In 1964 congress passed a Civil Rights Act prohibiting racial discrimination in restaurants, theaters, hotels, hospitals, and public facilities of all sorts. This civil rights act also made it easier and safer for Southern Blacks to register and vote. Laws were passed to help poor people improve their ability to earn money, a program to give extra help to children at risk even before they were old enough to go to school, and a program to train school dropouts. (5) The Great Society: These actions were very popular. Johnson easily won the 1964 presidential election and then proposed what he called the Great Society program. This was Johnson†s plan. He would work to improve the lives of all people, but especially the poor and the powerless. Programs were aimed at helping every segment in society. (6) Passive Resistance: After Martin Luther King, Jr. successfully led the African Americans through the bus boycott, he became a national figure. Every where he preached the idea of non- violence or passive resistance as the best way to achieve racial equality. † Nonviolent resistance is not a method for cowards† he said. One must â€Å"accept blows from the opponent without striking back†. Love, not hate or force, was the way to change people†s minds. 1. † Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation to the sunlit path of racial justice†. 2. † Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last!† 3. † I have a dream that one day this great nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: ‘ We hold these truths to be self evident: that all men are created equal.† How to cite The 1950’s and 60’s Civil Rights, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Proposal on Work Environment Office Decor

Question: Discuss about the Proposal on Work Environmentfor Office Decor. Answer: As a company manager, I have been asked to plan and oversee renovation project. However, the recent office environment has outdated office decor and furnishing. The interaction between the team members are also less. Therefore, I need to make a proposal plan to present my idea in the meeting with the owners. Design: Firstly, I will propose a new design including no door policy. No door policy is one of communication policies. This means the doors of manager, CEO, MD and supervisor will be always open for the employees so that they can share their problems with the higher authority and get helps. I think that this will encourage the employees to be transparent in their works and modify themselves as soon as possible. According to Avis (2016), the no door policy is a great chance to the employees to ask questions, suggestion discussion and present their concern to the management. I think this policy will help the management also as they will get chance to monitor the employees and discuss about their performance with the employees. Fit-Out: The next thing which should be developed is the change of fit out. As the room of our office Innovative Solution is stylized in a way that the team members cannot interact properly. Therefore, I suggested that the company should have modern technology usages. Telephone is the best medium to communicate with the team members. Moreover, I will suggest having projectors in each room, mainly in the conference room for the training or meeting purpose. Harris (2015) suggested that use of modern technology helps the employees to work fast and easy. Therefore, I am going to suggest about computers in each rooms for the employees. However, I think, there should be webcams also in the rooms to monitor the employees and their behaviour. In the training room, there should be a TV for the training purpose, which can be connected to the trainers computer. Decor of Workplace: The decoration of the office environment also should be changed to motivate the employees. First of all, I will suggest changing the seats of the employees. In view of Weil (2014), the employees should feel easy in the working environment to improve the quality and quantity of work. Next, I will suggest changing the lights and ventilation of the workplace. The rooms should be well lighted and ventilated so that the employees do not feel uneasy to work. I will suggest having armrests chairs, which can be adjustable. I think, the company should provide air conditioners and LED tube lights to the rooms so that the rooms can be well lighted and ventilated to avoid suffocation. In addition, I will highlight some more areas, which needs to be improved. These are following: Collaboration with Colleagues: For the successful career in the workplace, collaboration with the colleagues is necessary (Allee, Schwabe and Babb 2015). I will suggest the management to arrange training program and interaction program for the employees so that the employees can know each other pleasantly and the management also. I will propose this particular suggestion because the employees need to understand that how to work together and gain the goal. Jirotka, Lee and Olson (2013) mentioned that positive and effective work relationship is very important o build a successful career and finding the regular satisfaction in the job. The friendly working environment motivates the employees and as a result the productivity increases. This indirectly helps the company to gain profitable outcome. I hope that this will help our company also to gain better outcome. Physical Resources to Support Innovation: To improve the innovation, I think that I should suggest the implementation of new physical resources. Our company does not have proper space in the office so the management should find new places to shift the company so that employees can work freely. In case of the new emplacement, it will be difficult for the employees to adjust with the old employees. The physical resources include proper arrangement of server, computers, network and other office equipments like chairs and tables. These physical resources will develop the renovation project and help the management to motivate the employees (Davenport 2013). I want to suggest this so that people do not feel difficulty in the workplace and can work peacefully without any problem. Equipments to Support Innovation: To develop the working environment, I will suggest no assigned seating concept. I will suggest providing the employees wireless internet and laptops so that they need not to sit on a particular desk every day. They can seat any place of their choice to feel free in working and utilise the technology. The process is called hot desking. However, I will suggest providing space in the workplace and renovate the office in a way so that the employees do not face any problem in changing their seats. This will encourage the employees in collaborative working. Another thing that I will suggest is resting room. The office premises should have a resting room for the employees and management both (Davenport 2013). Whenever the employees feel sick, there should be minimum treatment system in the resting room so that the employees can take rest there. Environment and Creative mindset: The employees should have creative mindset. Therefore the management should start the reward creativity, which will motivate the employees. I think, the employees should not be discouraged and the confidentiality should be inspired. The management can arrange a suggestion box, where the employees can drop their suggestion. To explore the creativity of the employees, the management can arrange innovative teams, who will be able to work with motivation and increase the productivity (Jirotka, Lee and Olson 2013). Environment and Working Relationship: I will suggest making a better environment to make good working relationship among the employees. Every employee should have the trust on each other to make a good working relationship and also should respect the employees so that the emotion and feeling of the employees are not hurt. References: Allee, V., Schwabe, O. and Babb, M.K., 2015.Value Networks and the true nature of collaboration. Meghan-Kiffer Press. Avis, J., 2016.Social Justice, Transformation and Knowledge: policy, workplace learning and skills. Routledge. Davenport, T.H., 2013.Process innovation: reengineering work through information technology. Harvard Business Press. Harris, R., 2015. The changing nature of the workplace and the future of office space.Journal of Property Investment Finance,33(5), pp.424-435. Jirotka, M., Lee, C.P. and Olson, G.M., 2013. Supporting scientific collaboration: Methods, tools and concepts.Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW),22(4-6), pp.667-715. Weil, D., 2014.The fissured workplace. Harvard University Press.